Melbourne Latin Dance

Dance Styles & Levels


The most popular and well known of the Latin dances! Salsa is a super fun and energetic partnered dance EVERYONE should learn!

Advanced Salsa Showcase Performance


Bachata is a beautiful, romantic and downright sexy partnered dance which is also relatively easy to learn. Bachata music is quite simply captivating!

Bachata Showcase Performance


Samba - gorgeous, fun and super energetic dance from Brazil just for the ladies! Get ready to move your hips, sweat and have a bunch of fun!

Intermediate Samba Showcase Performance

Salsa Shines

Salsa Shines are fun, high energy & the best way for you to improve your musicality, dancing speed and movement repertoire!

Salsa Shines Showcase Performance

"It's not Practice that makes perfect.
Perfect Practice makes perfect!"

- Liz Conrado

Sunday Workshops

Sunday workshops run once a Term for 1.5 hours each and are designed to give you a once a term Sunday training session, that will lead to long-term improvement of your dance technique.

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